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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Thank goodness its Springtime

Some bulbs from the garden, not sure what this flower is 

Lovely daffs their bobbing bright yellow heads never fail to cheer.

I love these smaller daffs, they're so pretty, I had completely forgotten I'd planted them.

In amongst the Heather.

Outdoor cyclamen

Monday 14 March 2011

More pics

I couldn't resist adding this, the crow in his tree surveying the sunset and his territory (unfortunately that tree is now long gone).

And a cool snail I found while tidying up the garden at the weekend.  How do I know he's cool, well with a shell like that how could you not be : )

Pics of seed heads

Inspiration: print making, Angie Lewin

I really love Angie Lewin's prints.

She has inspired me to get out taking photos of seed heads before the new spring growth. I’ve had a play about drawing my own graphic style seed heads, and have done some watercolour paintings of my own. It made me realise that although her work looks simple with a limited colour palate, its incredibly detailed and precise, from the stones and leaves in the background to the balance of colours and graphic elements.

I had a go at three mock up paintings over the weekend, I was pleased with the simplified seed heads but my colour tones were way out. I had far too many colours and colour clashes. Ahh well something to play about with next weekend!  Eventually I'll post any that come out well.

See here for details of Angie's book.

Update on flower corsage workshop

The flower corsage workshop went brilliantly well, I had five lovely attendees, including someone who had never sewn before.  It was a really fun morning and everyone completed their corsages.